What Effect Does Smoking Have On Pregnant Women?

AS we all know that pregnant women are not allowed to smoke, whether it is traditional cigarettes or e-cigarettes, Why? What effect will have? Next, let's talk about the effect of smoking on pregnant women.

Small for gestational age

Smoking during pregnancy is 1.95 for women with SGA (Small for gestational age) compared with women who have never smoked during pregnancy; women who smoke 10 sticks for each day are 1.69 times more likely to have SGA babies; more than 10 sticks cigarettes per day The probability of a woman giving birth to an SGA baby is 2.53 times. The survey suggests there’s a strong association between tobacco using and SGA during pregnancy. Importantly, the strong association between women and SGA who smoked more than 10 cigarettes per day remained the same regardless of the number of covariates adjusted in the model.

Shorter birth length

A subgroup analysis of the relationship between the number of tobacco used and the length of birth of the child found that children born to mothers who actively used tobacco during pregnancy were 0.43 cm shorter than non-smoking mothers, and when the amount of tobacco was specified, Infants who smoked 10 cigarettes were 0.30 cm shorter than those who did not smoke during pregnancy, and infants who smoked more than 10 cigarettes per day were 0.51 cm shorter than those who did not smoke during pregnancy.

Smaller Birth head circumference

The average head circumference of children born by mothers who actively use tobacco during pregnancy is 0.27 cm smaller than that of non-smoking mothers. The average head circumference of babies born to women who smoke 10 cigarettes per day is lower than that of women who do not smoke during pregnancy. The average baby's infants who smoked more than 10 sticks cigarettes per day had an average head circumference that was 0.35 cm smaller than that of the mother who did not smoke during pregnancy.

Smoking observed during pregnancy causes oxidative stress in the placenta, leading to restricted flow of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, and in reduced folate levels, which affects child development and growth. Additionally, epigenetic modification in utero occurs and manifests in DNA methylation and disruption of human growth plate chondrocytes, delaying skeletal growth. Studies have shown that prenatal exposure to tobacco can cause stunting and affect brain development in early childhood and later life.

For the development and growth of children. In the 2005 WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the global health community has made considerable progress in addressing tobacco use, which provides for 181 signatories to take steps to reduce tobacco use. Therefore, the ban on the use of tobacco during pregnancy is one of the main preventive measures to ensure the growth and development of children.
